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Nick Gellie

Post-doctoral Research Associate

Nick’s research focuses on the genecological trait expression of plants across environmental gradients. By using cutting edge technology (e.g. metabarcoding eDNA), large-scale plant trials (e.g. embedded experiments) and testing innovative provenance selection criteria Nick has helped to pioneer and integrate evidence-based adaptive management into contemporary restoration practice.

Nick has worked principally in the Mediterranean woodlands of southern Australia though he also has experience from mangrove systems in the tropics, post mine site rehabilitation in range lands, plant ecophysiology of desert mound spring flora, human health in urban green space and pollination services in agricultural landscapes.

With a background in primary industries (e.g. fishing), outside his work life Nick enjoys travel, culture, kayaking and promoting the scientific process through community engagement. He was a foundation member of Science in the pub Adelaide which has successfully delivered a monthly forum on a diverse range of topical scientific issues to Adelaide audiences since 2014.

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